Build, strategize and collaborate with XC Labs

The Brand

XC Labs, a forward-thinking Web3 product studio spanning 12 countries, specializes in developing the application layer for Web3, covering sectors from finance to social networks. With a unique blend of enterprise and startup experience, XC Labs aimed to strengthen its market position and create a cohesive brand identity.

Market Dynamics


In the rapidly evolving landscape of Web3 technology, XC Labs recognized the need for a clear market strategy. They sought to enhance their branding, expand their global footprint, and effectively communicate their expertise to attract a broader cliend base.

GTM Strategy, Growth Advisory & Execution, Community-Building, Website Analytics, Branding

The Challenges

1. Market Recognition

Despite their extensive experience and diverse Web3 service offerings, XC Labs, then an up-and-coming brand, faced challenges in achieving significant market recognition. Their brand lacked the consistency required to convey their multifaceted value proposition.

2. Growth and Expansion

XC Labs aimed to grow their client base and expand into new markets while maintaining a profitable operation. They sought guidance on a strategy that would enable growth and scalability through community-led and partnership efforts.

3. Leveraging Website Analytics

With a customer base utilizing Web3 solutions for various purposes, XC Labs needed a comprehensive approach to enhance customer engagement, lower transaction fees, and drive new revenue streams effectively through website analytics.

The Solutions

1. Growth Strategy and Advisory

We conducted a thorough analysis of XC Labs’ current market presence and potential through customer insighting interviews. Together, we devised a growth strategy that focused on:

  • Identifying target markets and customer segments across the 12 countries of operation.
  • Crafting a compelling value proposition that showcased their extensive Web3 expertise.
  • Developing a comprehensive sales and marketing strategy, encompassing content marketing, lead generation, and customer engagement.
  • Setting measurable growth metrics and performance benchmarks.

2. Branding Transformation

To bolster market recognition and consistency, we embarked on an extensive rebranding initiative:

  • We revitalized XC Labs’ brand identity, including logo, color schemes, and visual elements, to establish a unified and memorable brand image.
  • An updated messaging strategy and positioning effectively conveyed their Web3 proficiency.
  • The website was revamped to reflect the refreshed branding, with an emphasis on an improved user experience.
  • We crafted targeted marketing materials, such as case studies and whitepapers, to spotlight their achievements and thought leadership.

3. Website Analytics Optimization

To maximize the value of website analytics solutions for XC Labs and its customers, we implemented advanced strategies:

  • Advanced website analytics tools were integrated to monitor user interactions, conversion rates, and campaign performance.

The Results

1. Impressive Growth

Following the implementation of the growth strategy, XC Labs is experiencing an increase in their leads, through their Let’s Talk field. They are also continuing to secure deals, penetrate new markets, and further their global footprint.

2. Enhanced Brand Recognition

The branding initiative significantly improved XC Labs’ visibility and reputation in the Web3 industry. The consistent messaging and visual identity resonated with their target clients, resulting in increased inquiries and conversions.

3. Informed Decision-Making

Leveraging advanced website analytics, through plugins, XC Labs gained valuable insights into user behavior and preferences. This data empowered them to fine-tune their marketing strategies, leading to higher website engagement and enhanced lead generation.

You need a partner.

XC Lab’s story can be yours, too. If you’re a founder or a venture build with a product that’s ready to launch or scale, we can start your journey to growth by understanding your customers.