5 Steps to Launching a Product | Your Startup’s Growth Journey

Building your startup begins the day your first had an idea.

From idea, then comes the planning. If you’ve kicked off many startups or have helped them grow through marketing, you tend to tackle new ideas quite differently. You understand that a good idea does not necessarily translate to a good winning product.

We’re all about saving time by avoiding unpromising ideas. Efficiency over creativity. 

Because time is always that tricky – friend and foe, we aim to help you guard it fiercely, aiming for utmost efficiency. 

Embarking on the journey of launching a new product within your startup’s growth trajectory is a pivotal endeavor. Here, we talk about a concise yet comprehensive guide, outlining the five crucial steps that pave the way for a successful product launch and subsequent expansion. 

From strategic planning and meticulous development to impactful marketing strategies and post-launch analysis, each step is meticulously crafted to empower your startup. 

Join us in exploring how to navigate the intricate path of introducing a product while steering your venture towards sustainable growth in today’s dynamic business landscape.

But how’s it done? Check out these 5 steps to launching a product, straight from someone who’s been down that road (a few times).

1. Focus on the Problem — Not the Solution

You can tell from a pitch if it’s solution or problem-oriented.

Biggest mistake we’ve witnessed startups make is to position their product as the ultimate solution, to hyper focus on the solution when the real question should be: is there a real problem to solve in the first place? If there is, is it big enough that your customers will want to pay for it? 

We all fall in love with ingenious fixes: “Imagine if…” is what excites every fresh startup. Yet, focusing on detailing the core problem is key at this stage.

As you grasp the problem better, solutions might evolve. Devote time to define the core problem; it’ll steer everything, from marketing to product development, throughout the journey. 

This is where your strategic planning begins.

2. Conduct Customer Interviews

We call it market sensing. This is the first step of your customer development journey.

This is the part our team loves the most. Customer interviews are an opportunity to connect your product to market insights. What are people saying or complaining about that we don’t know? Or that we already know, but are yet to explore. It’s getting a feel of your target market.

The days of burn money tactics are done. The world is wiser and investors are more critical about how you plan to go to market. We have encountered startups go back to the customer development process during Series A just because they have come to that point where their initial customer persona has been maxed out or isn’t growing like they expected it would.

Customer development, when applied properly, allows your team to save money and time because you only develop well-tested ideas. You’re not gonna go into A/B testing blind. You’re not gonna pay for Facebook or Google ads and hope they convert. You are armed with data from people, not just hunches or assumptions.

It also removes emotions and bias from the decision-making process. In the course of our tech product marketing experience, we’ve witnessed founders get too close to the action, to their product, to their baby, that they get to be blindsided by points they’re potentially missing. This is where customer interviews help because you can see from the rawness of their reactions and answers what their real problem or feedback to your product could be.

It helps your team to achieve the product-market fit faster. Here’s the pain point, here’s the solution for that specific initial target audience.

3. Get Beta Users

Beta users step in as your initial customers, often even before you have official ones. They’re those willing to test your offerings when others wouldn’t consider it. Think of them as early adopters.

You don’t need a fully developed product to gather beta users. Identify potential customers—more than just your couch-sitting roommate or your friendly neighbors and supportive family members. Go back to step two – customer interviews. Begin with your product concept and evolve to the actual product. The goal is recognizing these users and continuously learning from them as you refine your product.

Gathering a huge group isn’t necessary—around five to ten people work. Keep presenting your idea until it clicks.

4. Rollout a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) holds paramount importance in the startup journey, serving as a foundational strategy that goes beyond merely testing an idea. It’s a pivotal step that encapsulates the essence of a startup’s philosophy and its approach to product development.

An MVP provides a tangible manifestation of your concept. It transforms abstract ideas into a concrete reality that potential customers can interact with. This hands-on experience for users offers a more profound validation of your concept’s viability than hypothetical discussions or presentations.

Developing a full-scale product without understanding its reception can be financially and resource-wise risky. By focusing on an MVP, you minimize the investment required upfront. This controlled approach helps mitigate risk by allowing you to gauge market interest and gather feedback before committing significant resources

This isn’t exclusive to consumer-facing startups. It’s about creating the simplest product version for beta users to test. Any startup can create an MVP with some creativity. For instance, a restaurant could serve its planned menu to neighbors.

Fashion brand? Craft samples for beta users. 

Launching a service? Offer it to a few clients free to showcase its workings. 

MVPs aren’t just for initial revenue; they help you refine your product through learning and iteration.

Inviting potential customers to engage with your MVP creates a sense of involvement and ownership. Beta users who contribute to its refinement feel invested in its success. This sense of partnership fosters loyalty and a community around your startup.

5. Define Your Brand Promise

Conversations with customers reveal their real desires and expectations. They seek your “brand promise”—what you can assure with your product. 

A well-crafted brand promise instills confidence and trust among your audience. When customers perceive your commitment to delivering specific value, they feel assured that your brand will consistently meet their expectations. 

Your brand promise must succinctly communicate what customers can expect from your product or service. It clarifies the benefits they’ll receive, setting the groundwork for a consistent experience that aligns with their needs and desires.

By focusing on what customers truly desire and articulating it through your brand promise, you place the customer at the center of your business strategy. This customer-centric approach guides your efforts, ensuring that your offerings remain relevant and impactful.

Elevate this promise in all your communications; it’s the consistent feeling customers get every time they interact with your company or product.

In the dynamic landscape of startups, the journey to success is guided by strategic choices and customer-centric principles. From creating a compelling MVP that captures the essence of your concept to crafting a resonant brand promise that cultivates trust and loyalty, every step holds significance. The path to launching a product and fostering growth requires a delicate balance of innovation and adaptation, all while staying true to the commitments you make to your audience.

Remember, startups are more than just endeavors; they are stories of visionaries who dared to disrupt the norm. By embracing the pivotal role of an MVP and harnessing the power of a well-defined brand promise, you’re embarking on a trajectory that doesn’t just lead to a product launch, but to a lasting legacy of success.

As you navigate the challenges and celebrate the victories, may these principles illuminate your path and contribute to the remarkable narrative of your startup’s journey.


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